Bonfring International Journal of Advances in Image Processing

Impact Factor: 0.245 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

A Cost-Effective Automated Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer Neoplasia Using CRF Model for Women in Developing Countries

D. Pretty Mary and Vinolia Anandan


Cervical cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the woman worldwide. Most cases of cervical cancer can be prevented if it is detected earlier through various screening programs. This paper provides various methods for the automated diagnosis of cervical cancer neoplasia. The techniques that are investigated to create a fully automated system to locate precancerous and cancerous regions in an image of a cervix generated by the digital colposcope is considered. Domain-specific diagnostic features are used in a probabilistic manner using Conditional Random Fields (CRF). Thus this automated diagnosis of cervical cancer method is more useful for the developing countries since they have low-resource settings and poor financial condition.

Keywords: Digital Colposcope, Cervix, Anatomical Features, CRF

Volume: 2 | Issue: Special Issue on Communication Technology Interventions for Rural and Social Development

Pages: 45-49

Issue Date: February , 2012




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