Bonfring International Journal of Advances in Image Processing

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Protection for Multi Owner Data Sharing Scheme

K.B. Aruna, A. LallithaShri, Aravindh, Jayakumar and Jayasurya


Cloud computing turns to be a service orientated computing technology to deliver storage and computing resources at reasonable worth over net. Since Clouds are getting matured, many enterprises square measure outsourcing their workloads by utilizing the cloud resources for the structure knowledge storage, deposit and operational usage. as a result of delivery of resources with service over Clouds, that can be accessed by multiple users United Nations agency may be house owners or finish users of the information As, there exists multiple house owners of the information, and therefore the knowledge can be changed or updated at the same time, this might cause several challenges in terms of knowledge organization, access and sharing, that differs from the traditional method of access/modifying the information. Hence, it's essential to supply many mechanisms in Cloud computing so permitting sharing of the information or resources among multiple users effectively could be a major challenge. during this paper, we have a tendency to discuss many mechanisms to deal with secured knowledge sharing problems and discuss the multiple house owners and teams issues in Clouds.

Keywords: Access control,Cloud Computing, Encryption, Servers.

Volume: 7 | Issue: 1

Pages: 01-05

Issue Date: March , 2017

DOI: 10.9756/BIJAIP.10485

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