International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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A Study on Urban Modal Split and its Development in Salem City

R. Naveen and A. Sivakumar


An analysis of modal split is essential in transportation studies. The concept of modal split is simple, but there is considerable confusion in the literature between the terms "mode choice" and "modal split". The term mode choice refers to the process, where the traveler chooses a particular mode for his trip.His choice is made simultaneously with the decision to travel, the choice of destination and the route to be taken. The term, modal split is taken as the proportionate division of the total number of person trips between various means or modes of travel. It is the process of separating persons -trips by the mode of travel such as buses, trains, etc. The main objective of the project is to analyses the modal split in the Salem city by collecting suitable data among the passengers such as origin, destination, income level, trip purpose, trip frequency, reason for their mode choice etc. By using this data the existing characteristics are studied and we can predict the modal split analysis for the future development in Passenger transport. This criteria has been analyzed using passenger opinion survey nep louis vuitton and necessary related surveys were done to study the present scenario which is familiar to collect the information among the passengers.

Keywords: Mode Choice, Modal Split, Origin, Destination, Trip Frequency.

Volume: 3 | Issue: Special Issue

Pages: 07-10

Issue Date: May , 2017

DOI: 10.9756/IJRAS.8148

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