Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining

Impact Factor: 0.245 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

On Certain Classes of Analytic and Univalent Functions Based on Al-Oboudi Operator

T.V. Sudharsan and S.P. Vijayalakshmi


Following the works of [2, 4, 7, 9] of analytic and univalent functions in this paper we introduce two new classes etc., We have obtained coefficient estimates, growth & distortion theorems, extremal properties for these two classes. The determination of extreme points of a family of univalent functions leads to solve many sac balenciaga pas cher extremal points.

Keywords: Al-Oboudi Operator, Convex Functions, Starlike Functions, Univalent Functions

Volume: 2 | Issue: 2

Pages: 06-12

Issue Date: June , 2012

DOI: 10.9756/BIJDM.1229

Full Text




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