Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining

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Well Being of Cotton Pickers: A Consideration for Pesticide Firms

Hammad Zafar and Abou Bakar


The main objective of the study is to throw light on the side effects of the pesticides used by the cotton growers on the health of the cotton picker?s women. This study further aims to provide a framework for pesticide companies to produce less harmful and environment friendly chemicals which will be a competitive edge. This study targeted the female cotton pickers of the cotton growing areas of Pakistan. The sample was selected on convenient basis. 90 female cotton pickers were interviewed. Results of the study affirmed the health issues of cotton pickers due to the use of pesticide. Findings of the study suggest the special training of cotton pickers and use of safety tools while picking the cotton. This study further suggests pesticide companies to produce environment friendly chemicals.

Keywords: Cotton Pickers, Health, Pesticides

Volume: 1 | Issue: 1

Pages: 22-29

Issue Date: December , 2011

DOI: 10.9756/BIJDM.1006

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