Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining

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On γ - generalized α - Continuous Mappings in Topological Spaces

N. Kalaivani and G. Sai Sundara Krishnan


In this paper we introduce the concept of On γ - generalized α - Continuous Mappings in Topological Spaces and study its relationship with other mappings. Further we declare the concepts of γ-α continuous mappings and γ -g α continuous mappings which coincide when the space is α-γ T-1/2. In addition, we define the concept of γ -g α-irresolute mappings in topological spaces; also we attain the relationships between γ -g α-continuous and γ -g α-irresolute mappings and obtain some of its basic properties.

Keywords: γ -g α Continuous Mappings, γ -g α Irresolute Mappings

Volume: 2 | Issue: 1

Pages: 23-27

Issue Date: March , 2012

DOI: 10.9756/BIJDM.1108

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