Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

Impact Factor: 0.541 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

Dr.P. Balasubramanian, P.M. Vishnu and Sushmitha Sidharth


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effectiveness of social media on recruitment process. In this new era, where people spend most of the time on social networking sites, social media serves as a platform for companies to choose the best talent. LinkedIn, Facebook, Naukri, Monster, Youth 4 works are some of the social networking sites where the employers advertise information regarding vacancies in the organization and the young talents avail access to it. The growth in the use of social media sites has helped in making recruitment much easier. Social media is a fastest, efficient and effective tool which helps in making information available to the younger generation. There are a wide range of benefits associated with using social media in recruitment, centring largely on cost savings, increasing the pool of applicants reached, and being able to target recruitment at specific groups of potential candidates. Social media sites can be used to identify potential applicants with certain characteristics or qualifications and to reach non-traditional applicants?i.e. those who are not in the usual target groups, or who have different backgrounds and experience efficiently and easily. The innovative social media campaign helps to engage and challenge young talents and find the right talent fit for the organisation. Although social media is beneficial for employers as well as young talents, it may lack transparency of information. The young talents wish to see only what they like, so it happens that they might ignore those advertisements which may not seem to be catchy in their perspective.

Keywords: Recruitment, Online Recruitment, Social Media, Networking Tools.

Volume: 6 | Issue: 3

Pages: 108-110

Issue Date: August , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.7468

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