Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

Impact Factor: 0.541 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Flexural Fatigue Behavior of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete with Different Cement Replacement Levels

S. Yuvaraj


There is a need for the development of eco friendly and cost effective material for the rigid pavement construction. High volume fly ash concrete suits the pavement concrete due to its many advantages. The knowledge of fatigue behavior is essential for the design of concrete pavements. This paper describes the effect of cement replacement level on the flexural fatigue behavior of high volume fly ash concrete. High volume fly ash concrete mixtures were proportioned using low calcium fly ash and satisfying the flexural strength criteria of pavement concrete. A total of 265 beam specimens at three cement replacement levels (0%, 50% and 60%) were tested under haversine wave form loading. Lognormal model was found to be satisfactory for the fatigue life distributions in all the cases. The parameters of log normal distribution model were found to be dependent on the stress level. S-N relations established in this study will be a useful tool for design of high volume fly ash concrete pavement.

Keywords: Concrete, Fatigue, Fly Ash, Pavement, Probability Distribution.

Volume: 6 | Issue: 4

Pages: 200-206

Issue Date: November , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.8351

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