Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

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Work-Life Balance among Corporate Women: Findings from a Ten-Year Ethnographic Study

Kavitha Ezhilarasi and Preethi Subramanian


Work-life balance is a challenging task which decides if a woman is successful or unsuccessful. The study explores the life of married and unmarried working women, problems of work-life balance and the strategies used by women who balance their work and family. One hundred women were chosen from various workplaces; however, all of them invariably stated work-life balance as a major issue. Quitting the job for taking care of home was not a reasonable solution as it had its drawbacks. The option that repeatedly surfaced in this study was the development of alternate careers.

Keywords: Work-life Balance, Ethnography Study, India, Corporate Women, Alternate Careers.

Volume: 3 | Issue: Special Issue-03

Pages: 118-123

Issue Date: February , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BP2018.1012/21

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