Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

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Thermal Behaviour Study of Heat Exchanger with Heat Pipes Using CuO Nano Fluid

P. Raveendiran, B. Chandramohan and V. Vinoth Kumar


In this analysis, the experimental work was done to determined the thermal behavior of heat pipe based heat-exchanger using nano fluid. CuO nano fluid is consider as thermal liquid in the heat pipe. Effectiveness ? NTU method of thermal analysis was adopted to find out the working nature of heat pipe heat exchanger. The investigation has been carried out in terms of length, diameter, working fluid of heat pipe as fixed parameters and mass flow rate of water, inlet temperature of hot water to the shell side of heat exchanger, angle of inclination to the condenser section of heat pipe as variable parameters. In this present study, three number of heat pipe has been used. The CuO nano fluid shows the better performance. The mass flow rate of cold water to the condenser section of heat pipe has been altered in the ratio of 1:1, 1:1.15, 1:2, 1:2.5 and 1:3 as that of evaporator section. The effect of gravity assistance to the cold side of the heat exchanger with respect to effectiveness also evaluate. Many experimental work has been carried out under different operating conditions and the optimum effectiveness of heat exchanger with heat pipe has been obtained when, CuO nano fluid is used as working fluid than D.I water and better results from experimental work was obtained when Ch=2Cc and at 100 LPH

Keywords: Heat Pipe, Inclination Angle, ∈- NTU, CuO Nano Fluid

Volume: 9 | Issue: 3

Pages: 7-10

Issue Date: September , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.9031

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