Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface

Impact Factor: 0.325 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Detection and Analysis of Tremor by Inertial Sensing Method

Niranjan K.R, Beena Ullala Mata B N and Girish


This paper proposes the prototype of the technology to capture the movement data at the point of interest related to the human body. The movement data is collected from a range of supported system using inertial sensor. The proposed system is built with an algorithm to remove the noise and to extract the intent data obtained from the samples after the data processing. This work contributes the novelty in developing a inertial assessment device which enables on-sensor-node data processing. The benefit of this device is its smaller size and light in weight.

Keywords: Cerebellar Tremor, Musculo-skeletal System, MEMS, Passive Infrared Sensor, Pill-rolling, Raw Inertialdata, Stimulants, Thalamotomy

Volume: 3 | Issue: 3

Pages: 19-24

Issue Date: July , 2013

DOI: 10.9756/BIJMMI.8067

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