Bonfring International Journal of Power Systems and Integrated Circuits

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A Complete Introduction to theSwarm Robots and its Applications

Darry Cowl and Sungho Sim


At present, swarm robotics is one of the most imperative application areas for swarm intelligence. Swarms give the chance of enhanced task performance, elevated reliability (fault tolerance), low unit complexity and low cost over conventional robotic systems. Swarm robots can be applied to several fields, for instance, spacecraft, flexible manufacturing systems, construction, Inspection/maintenance, agriculture, and medicine work. Here, presented a complete introduction to the world of swarm robots and adumbrates its applications. Swarm-bots are a compilation of mobile robots capable of self-assemble and to self-organize to solve complications that cannot be solved by a single robot. These robots unite the power of swarm intelligence with the flexibility of self-reconfiguration as collective swarm-bots can dynamically transform their structure to match environmental deviations. Swarm robots are more than simply networks of independent agents, they are potentially reconfigurable networks of communicating agents adequate enough to coordinate sensing replica taschen and interaction with the environment. Robots are going to be a significant part of the future. In the coming days, it might be possible to construct and deploy large numbers of inexpensive, disposable, meso-scale robots. Even though limited in individual capability, such robots deployed in huge numbers can characterize a strong cumulative force like a colony of ants or swarm of bees. Once robots are helpful, groups of robots are the subsequent step, and will have incredible potential to help mankind. Software designed to execute on large groups of robots is the key needed to unlock this potential.

Keywords: ---

Volume: 7 | Issue: 2

Pages: 06-12

Issue Date: May , 2017

DOI: 10.9756/BIJPSIC.8334

Full Text




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