Bonfring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering

Impact Factor: 0.528 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Product and Process Innovation: An Cardinally Ration Materials Dispensation based on GSM and RFID Technology

S. Muralidhar, S. Akashraj and G. Arun


Ration card is very important in Tamil Nadu because it acts like a address proof for the person not only that it shows you the completely family details. It is been used to buy the consumer durable goods like sugar, kerosene, oil, rice etc. from the ration shop. The materials which are delivered by the shopkeeper may not be accurate and also it leads to unauthorized distribution to other person. In this paper, proposed a Cardinally ration Materials Dispensation Based on GSM (Global System for Mobile) and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology instead of ration cards. In order to rectify those problem we are going for this technique where the details of the cardholders are been checked using RFID device and later depending upon the material that the consumer purchase he need to pay the amount which will be displayed.

Keywords: Microcontroller, GSM, RFID, Motor, Solenoid Control Circuits, Mechanical Part

Volume: 6 | Issue: 2

Pages: 06-07

Issue Date: April , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJRCE.7016

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