Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing

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Identification of the Most Affecting Factor and the Most Income Range of the Affected Middle Class Family by Using Fuzzy Matrix

C. Ramkumar and R. Ravanan


Nowadays so many middle class families are affected by many different factors like misunderstanding between husband montre pas cher and wife, poor economic status, mental stress, cost of living index, property sharing, unequal educational status between husband and wife, more number of family members, inadequate of family number, joint family, poor health, immoral social relationship, unnecessary expenditure, relations interfere and so on. Here we identify the factor which affecting the middle class family mostly, also we identify the most income range to which the factor is most affected. To study the passenger transportation problem, the matrix theory was developed in the year 1998 by Dr. W.B. Vasantha and V. Indira. Now we use this model to identify the factor which most affected the middle class family replica uhren and also we identify the income range of the affected families.

Keywords: PID Matrix, RD Matrix, RID Matrix, CEID Matrix, RFD Matrix, CEFD Matrix

Volume: 2 | Issue: 2

Pages: 06-10

Issue Date: June , 2012

DOI: 10.9756/BIJSESC.1241

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