Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing

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Smart Home Implementing IOT Technology with Multilingual Speech Recognition System

Angshuman Chakrabartty, Ashish Adhikari, Jurisra Sorokhaibam and Dr.J. Nirmala Devi


There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. This era is a technical era. People are searching for smart way of doing every little-to-big things in their there is no exception for home at all. We can use automation technologies to make life easier for all kinds of people. Analog switches are mounted on the walls and operating them is tedious job to do for everyone and is very challenging to physically disabled and elderly people. So this proposed system is targeted to all kinds of people to make their life better. We have designed and implemented a low-cost, reliable, efficient and secure automation with speech operated system in different languages. As of today, the literacy rate are increasing but there are people who are uneducated or someone might prefer speaking their own languages. As of today, Google Assistant can support up to eight of the languages of India so as to support the indigenous people residing in India. Since it is using Google Assistant so, it removes the complexity for voice train process and voice recognition process. This system has both the feature of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi so, both of them can be utilized to control the loads of the home. The proposed system also gives the facility of operating the appliances through the internet by utilizing port forwarding technology. This paper is proposed to implement the smart home automation that controls the devices such as Fan, Lights, AC and door from within home using Bluetooth or from remote places using Node MCU and operates the devices using web, android application and Google Assistant. The main objective of this system is to be flexible for all kinds of people with specific needs.

Keywords: Home Automation, Smartphone, Arduino, Bluetooth, Home Appliances, Node MCU, Wi-Fi, Google Assistant.

Volume: 9 | Issue: 2

Pages: 58-63

Issue Date: April , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BIJSESC.9027

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