Bonfring International Journal of Networking Technologies and Applications

Query Formulation Technique Using of Data Web Mining

Dr.A. Mummoorthy, B. Bhasker and S.J. Karthik Deep Yadav


Recent trend of data structured is called Data Web or web technology, new arranges the structured is called data-retrieval. Some search engines cannot search such data as the result is keyword-based. Query is the one of the search engine and arranges the data. To expose the bulk of data full the potential. We proposed one query fromatulation language called as MashQL it will be arrange the data on web and search the data. MashQL is some people don?t how it will be work for example schema, structure, vocabulary, or any technical details of these sources.

Keywords: Web, RDF, SQL, SPARQL

Volume: 5 | Issue: 1

Pages: 06-08

Issue Date: March , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BIJNTA.8368

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