Bonfring International Journal of Networking Technologies and Applications

Using of Bellman Fords Algorithm in WSN to Identify the Shortest Path and Improve the Battery Power & Control the DDOS Attackers and Monitor the System Environment

Dr.A. Mummoorthy, B. Bhasker and T. Jagadish Kumar


Wireless sensor network is also called as group of ad-hoc network and use many number of mobility sensor nodes. It consists of sensing, controlling & monitoring capability. This article provide shortest path communicate between the source and designation and measure the performance. The shortest path routing algorithm used for distance vector routing. The distance vector is the distinction of bellman-ford algorithm. Here the nodes are created dynamic to avoid the loop formation, malicious nodes and intrusion attacks and also improving the performance of distance vector by initializing variable randomly and generating graphs

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Dijkstra?s, Bellman-Ford, Distance Vector Algorithm, Random, MATLAB

Volume: 5 | Issue: 1

Pages: 09-11

Issue Date: March , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BIJNTA.8369

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