Bonfring International Journal of Networking Technologies and Applications

Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Reach Centroid Algorithm

M. Vazralu and Novy Jacob


Position and accurate is the important for the localization in wireless sensor networks. This technique it the low cost technique in wireless sensor networks.. to manage the cost golden goose falsas and ,few location aware node, it is called as anchors in wireless sensor networks environment. Other anchors of free node estimate the own positions. If you have change the any position of the node or modify from centroid localization algorithm called as reach centroid localization algorithm. This method mainly focus on anchor nodes position validation methods. Every anchor node with the near free node search and validate the position of actual or near node will received the signal strength. This work reduce the multipath effects of radio waves, particularly enclosed the environment. our proposed work is localization become more significant, particularly indoor environments, the result show a siginificant improvement in localization accuracy when compare with the original centroid localization algorithm.

Keywords: WSN, Centroid, Localization

Volume: 5 | Issue: 2

Pages: 06-08

Issue Date: April , 2018

DOI: 10.9756/BIJNTA.8374

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