Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface

Impact Factor: 0.325 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Lasitude and Retrofitting to Bridge

V.D. Sushma and Dr.D.K. Kulkarni


Bending moments shear forces, stresses, displacements are important failure modes under traffic loading. However, bridges have so many accredit that it is difficult to analyze their lassitude damages. Numerical simulation is a feasible method of studying such fatigue, displacement, stresses, damages this paper develops bridge stability and safe by using retrofitting technique during heavy traffic and aged bridge. With the purpose to provide a retrofit method with good workability for reinforced concrete (RC) highway bridge columns under severe construction work conditions, a retrofit method with combination of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheet and steel jacketing has been proposed in this research project. This paper provide an introduction of the proposed retrofit method companying with descriptions on the CFRP-steel bonded connection and RC bridge column provide great stiffness.

Keywords: Displacement, Fatigue Failure, Stresses, Finite Element, Retrofitting.

Volume: 4 | Issue: Special Issue on Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Structures| Editors:Dr.D.K. Kulkarni, Dr.R.J. Fernandes, Dr.S.B. Kulkarni

Pages: 151-155

Issue Date: July , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJMMI.8173

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