Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining

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Literature Review on Web Mining

Bibu Skaria, Dr Eldhose T John and P.X. Shajan


Web is a platforms for information exchange, as it is simple and easy to publish documents. Searching for information becomes a difficult and time-consuming process as the web grows. Web mining uses various data mining techniques to discover useful knowledge from usage log file from the web. The mining tools are used to scan the HTML documents, images, and text, the results is provided for the search engines.It can assist search engines in providing productive results of each search in order of their relevance. In this paper, we brief introduction to the concepts related to web mining and then an overview of different Web usage mining.

Keywords: Apriori, FP Growth

Volume: 6 | Issue: 1

Pages: 04-06

Issue Date: January , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJDM.8127

Full Text




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