Bonfring International Journal of Man Machine Interface
Online ISSN: 2277-5064 | Print ISSN: 2250-1061 | Frequency: 4 Issues/Year
Impact Factor: 0.325 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)
Performance Evaluation of Composite Steel-Concrete Shear Walls
Dr.D.K. Kulkarni and P.P. Phadnis
The present work describes the theoretical study on steel-concrete shear wall with steel encased profiles. Shear walls are used in buildings to resist the lateral load induced during earthquakes. Shear walls generally have rectangular cross section with the high concentration of longitudinal reinforcement at the extremities of elements. The use of conventional reinforced concrete shear wall in multistoried buildings is sometimes limited because of the large amount of reinforcement localized at the end of the element. A good alternative in avoiding this disadvantage is to use composite steel concrete structural shear walls with steel encased profiles. Composite shear walls offer the advantages like flexural stiffening, strengthening of compression elements, improved deformability, increased floor area, fire protection, easy repairs and economy. The study consists of numerical analysis on 1:3 scale steel-concrete composite elements. Composite steel-concrete shear walls are modeled as equivalent frame element and analyzed using SAP2000 pushover capability. Comparative study related to the behavior of composite steel-concrete shear wall with encased steel sections and conventional reinforced concrete shear wall. Presence of encased steel sections significantly increases base shear and slightly increases ductility.
Keywords: Pushover Analysis, Composite Steel-Concrete Shear Wall, Material Non-Linearity, Ductility, Equivalent Frame Element
Volume: 4 | Issue: Special Issue on Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Structures| Editors:Dr.D.K. Kulkarni, Dr.R.J. Fernandes, Dr.S.B. Kulkarni
Pages: 200-205
Issue Date: July , 2016
DOI: 10.9756/BIJMMI.8183
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