International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

Impact Factor: 0.387 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Does the Professional Social Work have Psychosocial Work Risks?

Dr. Anjali Dhengle


In the recent past due to rapid globalization, the organizational working environments, pattern of employment etc have gone through a significant change. This calls for a revisit to the concept of work environment especially to understand the way it creates the physical and psychological health hazards for the workers. In case of human care profession like social work, psychosocial work risks are high as compare any other technical or mechanical jobs. The paper hereby attempts to emphasize the changes in work environment that is move from safety hygiene hazards to psychosocial factors in light of globalization and in terms of professional social work. The author have come up with a systematic review on the psychosocial work risk (psychosocial work hazards) in profession of social work, like changing nature of employment, job insecurity, increasing emotional demands at job, work-home life management, control on job, roles in organization and career development are discussed as crucial psychosocial work risks and its health implication on an employee. Paper concludes to priorities minimization of all these psychosocial hazards in a profession of social work by acknowledging its presence in the profession, and by providing strong platforms in the form of professional associations to discuss these risks for their prevention and to provide professional support against it.

Keywords: Professional Social Work, Psychosocial Work Risks.

Volume: 2 | Issue: 3

Pages: 14-20

Issue Date: August , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/IJRAS.10472

Full Text




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