International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

Impact Factor: 0.387 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

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To spread innovation in field of Arts & Science to bring out scientific research and excellence in knowledge and ideas among researchers. There are ?n? numbers of diversified field in Arts & Science, IJRAS works to bring all fields under a common domain to make junction point to researchers.


Atmosphere, Biosphere, Cartography, Climate Change, Earth System Modeling , Earthquake and Seismology, Environmental Science, Estuarine and Coasts, Geology, Geographic Information System, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere/ Geosphere, Oceanography, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Animal Science, Agronomy, Including Plant Science, Theoretical Production Ecology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding, Plant Fertilization, and Soil Science, Aquaculture, Biological Engineering, Including Genetic Engineering and Microbiology, Theoretical Physics, Acoustics & Optics, Thermal Physics, Electro Magnetic, Condensed Matter Physics, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Medicine And Dentistry, Nursing and Health Professions, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science, Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine, Arts and Humanities, Business, Management and Accounting, Decision Sciences, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Psychology, Social Sciences.




Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | March, 2017

Publication: March, 2017