International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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A Study on Indian Women Participating in Sports

Dr.V. Saikumari and A. Nandini


Womens Sports play an important role in India and womens participation in sports helps them to improve their physical activity and in turn promotes physical ability and skills, gender equity and women empowerment. This article helps to analyze the role of Indian women in sports. Importance for womens sports is growing fast in the Indian culture and participation of women is increasing day by day. In this article we explore the womens participation in sports, what are the opportunities available for them and challenges they face. Women face lot of problem in the current environment, she has to come out from the battlefield of life to prove themselves. In earlier days, women were not allowed to participate in sports because of cultural constraints, but gradually over the years women started participating by overcoming their hurdles in life. Sports are one of the key factors for women to be equal with men. The family should support and encourage women players to move onto the next level. Encouragement gives the players more support to achieve at various levels. Olympic Games pose as a major platform for all trained participants to prove their talent worldwide. Indian women should be trained by professional coaches in order to compete with professional players from many countries. Government should encourage womens participation in sports by conducting awareness programs and introducing new schemes.

Keywords: Indian Women, Women Sports, Women Empowerment.

Volume: 5 | Issue: Women Empowerment Leadership and Socio-Cultureal Dimensions

Pages: 47-56

Issue Date: March , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BP2019.1001/06

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