International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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Trenchant Task of SHGs Towards Upbringing Women Entrepreneurship ? A Road Ahead

S. Masthani


The development of the country in equitable lines could be possible with equal participation of women, as they are equally competent with men and also identified as the untapped resource in this world. In this regard SHGs are playing a crucial role for the development of women. Women entrepreneurship and SHGs cannot be viewed differently in the context of poor women who do not have adequate financial resources to start entrepreneurship. It is with the support of SHGs women are acquiring the necessary finance and capturing the entrepreneurship. However, poverty and unemployment hits slum women, wherein their conditions in urban areas are very quite miserable. The status of slum women in urban areas can be enhanced by providing adequate opportunities by recognizing governments action plan to reduce urban poverty by forming women groups in urban areas. The government has initiated Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal areas (MEPMA) in urban areas to bring out the slum women from below-poverty line. MEPMA encourages internal savings and internal lending among the members. The idea is to provide soft loans to meet day-to-day needs like education, health and other social needs and take up income-generation activities to improve their economic condition. The main motto is to protect urban women from the clutches of money lenders and those hailing from unorganized financial institutions etc., who charge exorbitant rates of interest. The fundamental objective of the study is to highlight the impact of SHGs towards development of slum women entrepreneurs and trace out the problems encountered by them and provide suggestions.

Keywords: Women Entrepreneurship, SHGs, Women Entrepreneurs.

Volume: 5 | Issue: Women Empowerment Leadership and Socio-Cultureal Dimensions

Pages: 113-119

Issue Date: March , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BP2019.1001/14

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