International Journal of Research in Arts and Science

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Awareness on Crimes against Women with Special Reference to Tiruppur District: An Empirical Study

Lt.Dr.P. Karpagavalli


Women in the modern world come across several types of problems and issues which are considered as constant troubles throughout their life time. Against this odds there were many reformers took strenuous initiatives which contributed a lot for the development and empowerment of women. The 21st century unleashes unprecedented complexities against women. Beyond all these evils, womens contribution and participation in the worldly activities are wide enough because of media and communication development. Women are affected by enormous number of crimes and are exploited by their counter parts in various spheres. Education is considered as the weapon to wipe out all sorts of unawareness. Even job goers and educated women are getting affected and victimized. Women face obstacles and innumerable disturbances in schools, families, working places, which are unknown or less concentrated. In rural areas there are a lot of crimes happening which go unnoticed because of male chauvinistic behaviour. Comparing to past experience the present scenario, the researcher tried to find a solution for all these crimes through the empirical study. The analysis of this study may provide ample amount of avenues and opportunities to minimise the crime and bring awareness among women of their legal rights. The initiatives taken by the Government combined with media awareness has propelled the empowerment of women. The findings and suggestions will provide the new view to challenge the current scenario of women empowerment. The researcher has conducted empirical research using descriptive& quantitative approaches.

Keywords: Domestic Violence, Dowry Harassment, Workplace Harassment, Women, Rights.

Volume: 5 | Issue: Women Empowerment Leadership and Socio-Cultureal Dimensions

Pages: 120-129

Issue Date: March , 2019

DOI: 10.9756/BP2019.1001/15

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