Editorial Workflow

  • When a manuscript is submitted, it goes firstly to the Editorial Office to assure that the manuscript meets the journal’s standards and the publication ethics. If not, the Editorial Office will have the right to send the manuscript back to the authors.
  • If the manuscript was found suitable to be considered for possible publication in the journal, it will be assigned to an Editor from the journal’s Editorial Board to handle its review process. The Editor will be requested to check the manuscript’s quality, novelty, and appropriateness to confirm that it can be sent to reviewers.
  • When the Editor confirms that the manuscript is scientifically correct and it can be sent to reviewers, the Editorial Office will start sending to the reviewers till receiving one or two review reports. Each reviewer will then return his/her review report with one of the following recommendations:
    • Publish directly
    • Consider After Revision
    • Reject
  • Then, the assigned Editor will make one of the following recommendations:
    • Publish directly
    • Consider After Revision
    • Reject
  • In case of the Editor recommends "Consider After Revision," the authors will be given a certain date to submit their revised manuscript. On the receipt of the revised manuscript, the Editor will make one of the following recommendations:
    • Publish directly
    • Reject
  • The Editor has the privilege to reject the manuscript at any point of the review process, if he/she finds the manuscript of insufficient quality to be published within the journal.
  • The review process is single blinded which means that the reviewers know the authors but the reviewers’ identity will remain anonymous to the authors.




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