Author Guidelines
- The research article should not get published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis).
- The research article should not be an old work; it should be new and balanced with the upcoming technologies.
- The contribution of the work should be confidential (i, e., The research article should not have more than 20% of other pioneers work).
- Disclosure Policy: we require that our authors reveal any possible conflict of interest in their submitted manuscripts.
- In open access journals, the copyright is retained by the authors, which is released under a “Creative Commons Attribution License", to enable others to use, reproduce, or distribute the articles without any restrictions as long as the articles are cited.
- The abstract should reveal the overview of problem specification, aim, methodology and results of the complete work.
- The article should be in Times New Roman font.
- The organization of the paper should be as follows.
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Literature Survey
- Methodology
- Experimental Results/Analysis
- Conclusion and Future Enhancement
- References
- If the article is a Survey paper, the organization of the paper should be as follows:
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Literature Survey
- Problems and Directions
- Conclusion
- References
- The Authors biography should have the author and co-authors recent formal photographs with biographical details between 100-200 words (includes name, educational qualification, stream of passage, Organization, co-curricular activities, area of interest and E-mail ID)
- The graphs, tables and equations should be editable, clearly visible, and accurate.
Use Math Equation Editor to Type Equation (In Microsoft word 2007, option found in Insert Menu-> Equation)
- In Microsoft word 2003, option found in Insert Menu-->Object-->Microsoft Equation 3.0
- Mention the author affiliations as first page footnotes. (You can find footnote option in Microsoft Word 2007, [Insert->Reference->Footnote].)
- We prefer the author to submit the final manuscript in MS word 2007 format.
- Algorithm, code, methods should be precisely mentioned.
- Figure, table and algorithm caption should be marked by successive numbers.
- 15-25 recent references have to be used and citied at the appropriate positions in the content of the research article.
The complete Bonfring Template is found in following links
Microsoft word 2007 Template
Microsoft word 2003 Template
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